Results for 'Pauline von Hellermann'

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  1.  30
    Governing Africa's Forests in a Globalized World. Edited by Laura A. German, Alain Karsenty and Anne-Marie Tiani. Pp. 413. (Earthscan, London, 2010.) £65.00, ISBN 978-1-84407-756-4, hardback. [REVIEW]Pauline von Hellermann - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (2):253-254.
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    Aesthetics, Nature and Religion: Ronald W. Hepburn and his Legacy, ed. Endre Szécsényi.Endre Szécsényi, Peter Cheyne, Cairns Craig, David E. Cooper, Emily Brady, Douglas Hedley, Mary Warnock, Guy Bennett-Hunter, Michael McGhee, James Kirwan, Isis Brook, Fran Speed, Yuriko Saito, James MacAllister, Arto Haapala, Alexander J. B. Hampton, Pauline von Bonsdorff, Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson & Arnar Árnason - 2020 - Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press.
    On 18–19 May 2018, a symposium was held in the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies at the University of Aberdeen to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the death of Ronald W. Hepburn (1927–2008). The speakers at this event discussed Hepburn’s oeuvre from several perspectives. For this book, the collection of the revised versions of their talks has been supplemented by the papers of other scholars who were unable to attend the symposium itself. Thus this volume contains contributions from (...)
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  3. Urban richness and the art of building.Pauline Von Bonsdorff - 2007 - In Arnold Berleant & Allen Carlson (eds.), The Aesthetics of Human Environments. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
  4. Aesthetics and Bildung.Pauline von Bonsdorff - 2012 - Diogenes 59 (1-2):127-137.
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    Esthétique et Bildung.Pauline Von Bonsdorff & France Grenaudier-Klijn - 2012 - Diogène n° 233-234 (1):178-195.
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    Matching Eutopia - On the Roles of Renderings of Architecture.Pauline von Bonsdorff - 1994 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 7 (12).
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    " Nature" in Experience: Body and Environment.Pauline von Bonsdorff - 1999 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 11 (19).
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    Aesthetics in the Human Environment.Allen Carlson, Pauline von Bonsdorff & Arto Haapala - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 35 (1):117.
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  9. Pauline Von Bonsdorff and Arto Haapala, eds., Aesthetics in the Human Environment Reviewed by.James Kirwan - 2000 - Philosophy in Review 20 (1):74-76.
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    The Impact of Parental Role Distributions, Work Participation, and Stress Factors on Family Health-Related Outcomes: Study Protocol of the Prospective Multi-Method Cohort “Dresden Study on Parenting, Work, and Mental Health”.Victoria Kress, Susann Steudte-Schmiedgen, Marie Kopp, Anke Förster, Caroline Altus, Caroline Schier, Pauline Wimberger, Clemens Kirschbaum, Tilmann von Soest, Kerstin Weidner, Juliane Junge-Hoffmeister & Susan Garthus-Niegel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    (1 other version)Relational Space and Places of Value.Pauline Phemister - 2011 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 14 (1):89-106.
    Drawing on a Leibnizian panpsychist ontology of living beings that have a body and a soul, this paper outlines a theory of space based on the perceptual and appetitive relations among these creatures’ souls. In parallel with physical space founded on relations among bodies subject to efficient causation, teleological space results from relations among souls subject to final causation and is described qualitatively in terms of creatures’ pleasure and pain, wellbeing and happiness. Particular places within this space include the kingdom (...)
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  12. Unity and Multiplicity: Leibniz's Critiques of res cogitans and res extensa.Pauline Phemister - 2001 - In Hans Poser (ed.), Nihil Sine Ratione: Mensch, Natur und Technik im Wirken von G. W. Leibniz Schirmherrschaft. VII Internationaler Leibniz Kongress Proceedings, vol 2. pp. 998-1005.
  13. Romantic Cosmopolitanism: Novalis’s “Christianity or Europe”.Pauline Kleingeld - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (2):pp. 269-284.
    German Romanticism is commonly associated with nationalism rather than cosmopolitanism. Against this standard picture, I argue that the early German romantic author, Novalis (Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg, 1772–1801) holds a decidedly cosmopolitan view. Novalis’s essay “Christianity or Europe” has been the subject of much dispute and puzzlement ever since he presented it to the Jena romantic circle in the fall of 1799. On the basis of an account of the philosophical background of Novalis’s romanticism, I show that the image (...)
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    Le libéralisme de Marx.Paulin Clochec - 2014 - Actuel Marx 56 (2):109-123.
    The article re-examines Marx’s liberal period as a contributor to and later as a member of the editorial board of the Rhenish Gazette and the question of the consequences of his liberalism on his transition to socialism. Far from claiming straight away to be the most politically radical of the young Hegelians, the young Marx outlined in his 1842-43 articles a version of moderate republicanism, close to that of Carl von Rotteck. It was by following the gradual distancing of the (...)
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  15. Leibniz, Freedom of Will and Rationality.Pauline Phemister - 1991 - Studia Leibnitiana 23 (1):25-39.
    Dieser Aufsatz hält es für angeraten, einen bisher vernachlässigten Aspekt der Leibnizschen Gedanken bezüglich der Willensfreiheit, nämlich die Rolle der Rationalität, näher zu betrachten. Von den drei für die Freiheit notwendigen Bedingungen gehört nur die Rationalität all denjenigen Menschen, die frei sind, und ihnen ausschließlich an. Kontingenz und Spontaneität können die Handlungen unfreier Menschen kennzeichnen. Die Rolle der Rationalität erscheint in klarem licht, wenn man sie in die Reihe folgender zueinander in Beziehung stehender Konzepte stellt: Kraft, Wahrnehmung, Tätigsein, Vollkommenheit, Schönheit, (...)
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  16. Aesthetics in the Human Environment: Edited by Pauline von Bonsdorff and Arto Haapala.G. McFee - 2000 - British Journal of Aesthetics 40 (3):391-392.
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    The Human Habitat - Aesthetic and Axiological Perspectives by Pauline von Bonsdorff.Ronald W. Hepburn - 1999 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 11 (19).
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    Christentum und heidnisch-antike Bildung bei Paulin von Nola. [REVIEW]P. G. Walsh - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (2):355-356.
  19.  9
    Books received. [REVIEW]Author unknown - 2000 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (1):79-81.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14.1 (2000) 79-81 [Access article in PDF] Books Received July 1999 through December 1999Asmuth, Christoph. 1999. Das Begriefen des Unbegreiflich. Abt. II, Band 41 of Spekulation and Erfahrung. Stuttgart: Frommann-holzboog. 411 pp.Badiou, Alain. 1999. Manifesto for Philosophy. Trans. and ed. Norman Madarasz. Albany: SUNY Press. 181 pp. h.c. 0-7914-4219-5, $14.95 pbk. 0-7914-4220-9.Barwise, Jon, and John Perry. 1999. Situations and Attitudes. New York: Cambridge UP. (...)
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    From Hamartia to “Nothingness”: Tragedy, Comedy and Luther’s “Humilitas”.Felix Ensslin - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (2).
    Within the broader horizon of asking about the relevance of the Reformation, or more particularly, Martin Luther’s thought, this paper first draws on the old debate whether there can be a Christian conception of tragic guilt by reconstructing an argument Giorgio Agamben develops against von Fritz’s denial of this possibility. The paper shows that Agamben makes a similar move as Protestantism by claiming that natura, which is always already spoiled by hamartia, is objective, naturaliter not personaliter. But in doing so, (...)
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  21. Still going strong.Kai von Fintel & Anthony S. Gillies - manuscript
    In "*Must* ...stay ...strong!" (von Fintel & Gillies 2010) we set out to slay a dragon, or rather what we called The Mantra: that epistemic *must* has a modal force weaker than expected from standard modal logic, that it doesn't entail its prejacent, and that the best explanation for the evidential feel of *must* is a pragmatic explanation. We argued that all three sub-mantras are wrong and offered an explanation according to which *must* is strong, entailing, and the felt indirectness (...)
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    Paulus Unter den Philosophen.Christian Strecker, Joachim Valentin & Micha Brumlik (eds.) - 2013 - Kohlhammer.
    English summary: Was Paul of Tarsus a philosopher? Does he even rank amongst those philosophers who influenced occidental live and thought? The Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben says, that the Epistle to the Romans is the fundamental messianic text of the western culture. The Jewish scholars Jacob Taubes and Daniel Boyarin insist on the philosophical and political Force of Pauline thinking. Long before that, Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger dealt intently with the Epistle. Was Paul a Philosopher? In any case (...)
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  23. Binding by verbs: Tense, person and mood under attitudes.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    .................................................................................................... ..................... 2 2 LF-Binding and Feature Deletion......................................................................................... 3..
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  24. Some remarks on choice functions and lf-movement.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    It is well known that indefinite phrases are more liberal in taking scope than other quantifying phrases. In general, the scope of indefinites is not limited by the finite clause in which they occur, although the scope of universal quantifiers is. Wh-phrases behave very much like indefinites: in languages with wh in situ, their scope need not be restricted by anything like clause boundedness.
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  25. On the proper treatment of tense.Arnim von Stechow - unknown
    This paper is mainly concerned with tense in embedded constructions. I believe that recent research – notably the work by Ogihara (1989) and Abusch (1993) – has contributed much to our better understanding of its semantics. The proposals made by the two authors are, however, still too simplistic in some regards. Among other things, they neglect the interplay of tense with temporal adverbs of quantification and with frame-setters. To get this composition right is a touchstone for every theory of tense (...)
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  26. The conservation of force: A physical memoir.Hermann von Helmholtz - 1971 - In Russell Kahl (ed.), Selected Writings of Hermann Von Helmholtz. Wesleyan University Press. pp. 3-55.
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  27. Wahrscheinlichkeit, Statistik, und Wahrheit.R. von Mises - 1937 - Mind 46 (184):478-491.
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  28. A new system of deontic logic.Georg Henrik von Wright - 1970 - In Risto Hilpinen (ed.), Deontic logic: introductory and systematic readings. Hingham, MA: Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston.
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    Science and culture: popular and philosophical essays.Hermann von Helmholtz - 1995 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by David Cahan.
    Hermann von Helmholtz was a leading figure of nineteenth-century European intellectual life, remarkable even among the many scientists of the period for the range and depth of his interests. A pioneer of physiology and physics, he was also deeply concerned with the implications of science for philosophy and culture. From the 1850s to the 1890s, Helmholtz delivered more than two dozen popular lectures, seeking to educate the public and to enlighten the leaders of European society and governments about the potential (...)
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  30. Deutscher Text und Kommentar.von Gerhard Birkfellner - 1998 - In Gerhard Birkfellner (ed.), Domostroj =. Osnabrück: Zeller.
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  31. Deliberating foresight knowledge for policy and foresight knowledge assessment.Rene von Schomberg, Angela Guimaraes Pereira & Silvio Funtowicz - 2006 - In Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Sofia Guedes Vaz & Sylvia S. Tognetti (eds.), Interfaces between science and society. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf.
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    Middle-of-the-road policy leads to socialism.Ludwig von Mises - unknown
  33. Of the law of nature and nations. In eight books. (Kennett ed.).Samuel von Pufendorf - unknown
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    Teutsche Reden und Entwurff von dem allgemeinen oder natürlichen Recht nach Anleitung der Bücher Hugo Grotius' (1691).Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff - 1691 - Tübingen: De Gruyter.
    Seckendorff's »Teutsche Reden« of 1691 and the outline of his ideas on natural law published with them are a uniquely eloquent testimony of German Baroque culture. Seckendorff was the only 17th century aristocratic practitioner of courtly and political life to publish a number of his speeches in book form during his own lifetime and to supplement them with a theoretical superstructure substantiating his practical convictions. The text is centrally concerned with the connection between civilization and language culture and the dependence (...)
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    Evolutionary Processes Transpiring in the Stages of Lithopanspermia.Ian von Hegner - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (4):783-798.
    Lithopanspermia is a theory proposing a natural exchange of organisms between solar system bodies as a result of asteroidal or cometary impactors. Research has examined not only the physics of the stages themselves but also the survival probabilities for life in each stage. However, although life is the primary factor of interest in lithopanspermia, this life is mainly treated as a passive cargo. Life, however, does not merely passively receive an onslaught of stress from surroundings; instead, it reacts. Thus, planetary (...)
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    Genealogies of Music and Memory: Gluck in the Nineteenth-Century Parisian Imagination.James H. Johnson - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):239-241.
    The music of Christoph Willibald von Gluck was a revolution for Paris operagoers when his work premiered there in 1774. In a setting known for its restive and often rowdy spectators, Alceste, Iphigénie en Aulide, and Orpheé et Eurydice seized audiences with unprecedented force. They shed silent tears or sobbed openly, and some cried out in sympathy with the sufferers onstage. “Oh Mama! This is too painful!” three girls called out as Charon led Alcestis to the underworld, and a boy (...)
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  37. A Constructivist Approach to Experiential Foundations of Mathematical Concepts Revisited.Ernst von Glasersfeld - 2006 - Constructivist Foundations 1 (2):61-72.
    Purpose: The paper contributes to the naturalization of epistemology. It suggests tentative itineraries for the progression from elementary experiential situations to the abstraction of the concepts of unit, plurality, number, point, line, and plane. It also provides a discussion of the question of certainty in logical deduction and arithmetic. Approach: Whitehead’s description of three processes involved in criticizing mathematical thinking (1956) is used to show discrepancies between a traditional epistemological stance and the constructivist approach to knowing and communication. Practical implications: (...)
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  38. (1 other version)7. Image-Filled and Imageless Contemplation.Hans Urs von Balthasar - 1997 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (1).
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    Platon, sein Leben und seine Werke.Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff - 1929 - Berlin,: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung.
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  40. (1 other version)The development of political theory.Otto Friedrich von Gierke - 1939 - New York,: W. W. Norton. Edited by Bernard Freyd.
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    Should penal rehabilitationism be revived?Andrew von Hirsch & Lisa Maher - 1992 - Criminal Justice Ethics 11 (1):25-30.
  42. Daniel Loick, Kritik der Souveränität.Eva von Redecker - 2012 - Radical Philosophy 175:59.
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  43. Die Überprüfbarkeit der Strafrechtssätze.Eike von Savigny - 1967 - München,: Alber.
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    Konstruktive psychologie und erlebnis.Margarete von der Groeben - 1934 - Stuttgart,: W. Kohlhammer.
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  45. Significado de la teoría cuántica.Carl Friedrich Freiherr Von Weizsäcker - 1991 - Analogía Filosófica 5 (2):3-36.
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    Toeval en tragiek in de wereldgeschiedenis, een studie over tijden van geluk en tagenspoed in de historie.Wolfram von den Steinen - 1946 - Amsterdam,: Uitgeverij Pantheon.
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  47. Bd. 4. Das 20. Jahrhundert.von Jörg Zirfas - 2009 - In Jörg Zirfas, Leopold Klepacki & Diana Lohwasser (eds.), Geschichte der ästhetischen Bildung. Paderborn: Schöningh.
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    Emotional Configuration and Intellectual Duty.Carola Freiin von Villiez - 2018 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 16 (3):260-263.
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    The true and the false in darwinism (continued).Eduard Von Hartmann & H. I. D'arcy - 1879 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 13 (2):139 - 150.
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    Books briefly noted.Teresa Iglesias, Maire O'Neill, Victor E. Taylor, Thomas Docherty, Pauline Hyde, Joseph S. O'Leary, Vasilis Politis & Mark Dooley - 1995 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 3 (2):383 – 392.
    Bioethics in a Liberal Societ By Max Charlesworth, Cambridge University Press, 1993. Pp. 172. ISBN 0?521?44952?9. £9.95 pbk. The Logical Universe: The Real Universe By Noel Curran Avebury, 1994. Pp. 158. ISBN 1?85628?863?3. £32.50. Beyond Postmodern Politics: Lyotard, Rorty, Foucault By Honi Fern Haber Routledge, 1994. Pp.viii + 160. ISBN 0?415?90823?X. $15.95. Baudrillard's Bestiary: Baudrillard and Culture By Mike Gane Routledge, 1991, Pp. 184. ISBN 0?415?06307?8. £10.99 pbk. Truth, Fiction and Literature: A Philosophical Perspective By Peter Lamarque and Stein Haugom (...)
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